The decentralization of bureaucracy refers to the process of redistributing administrative, fiscal, and political authority from the central government to local or regional levels. In Indonesia, a country known for its vast geographical spread and diverse population, this approach could address several longstanding issues. But this step must be taken, and the new government must …
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Abdullah A Afifi
In the heart of Indonesia’s economic transformation, a new initiative is set to redefine the role of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and pave the way for national prosperity. Danantara, officially named Daya Anagata Nusantara, is a visionary economic strategy introduced by President Prabowo Subianto in 2025. This initiative aims to consolidate and optimize the management of …
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Abdullah A Afifi
Ini menarik, di negara mayoritas, ternyata solusi tidak berjalan dengan baik, entah kalangan yang bernegara tidak paham beragama atau sebaliknya. Mamak saya Prof Bustanul Arifin SH dalam bukunya berjudul “Masa Lampau Yang Belum Selesai” menyampaikan adanya kemandekan evolusi dalam menyesuaikan hukum Pidana dan Perdata dengan keadaan Indonesia yang riil, yang berdasar Pancasila, Berbhinneka dan mayoritas beragama Islam. Hal ini …
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Abdullah A Afifi