Islamic banking is entering the state of irrelevance, or impasse. Many countries adopting dual banking system are witnessing the growth of Islamic banking sector stagnating. Indonesia for instance is growing at single digit in 2017, much lower than its peak of 47% in 2011, or 15-20% in the last three years. The growth of innovative …
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Luqyan Tamanni
As a vibrant archipelago nation, Indonesia stands at a critical juncture following its 2024 elections. These elections have redefined the political landscape and highlighted the urgent need for systemic reform. The central issues to this transformation agenda are three pivotal areas: decentralization of power, revamping education infrastructure, and overhauling bureaucracy services. This article aims to …
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Abdullah A Afifi
Saya menyalahkan elit-elit politik dalam ketidaktenangan yang terjadi sekarang, langkah-langkah pragmatis mereka yang saat ini menghasilkan perkara yang sangat sensitif. Ketika menjelang pengukuhan calon untuk Pilkada sebetulnya saya sudah memprediksi akan adanya blunder. Walaupun dalam kacamata politik hal ini biasa, dalam ruang lingkup publik ada perkara luar biasa, yakni ketidak berdayaan terhadap langkah-langkah politik para politikus dan partai, seolah-olah optimisme …
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Abdullah A Afifi