Saya menyalahkan elit-elit politik dalam ketidaktenangan yang terjadi sekarang, langkah-langkah pragmatis mereka yang saat ini menghasilkan perkara yang sangat sensitif. Ketika menjelang pengukuhan calon untuk Pilkada sebetulnya saya sudah memprediksi akan adanya blunder. Walaupun dalam kacamata politik hal ini biasa, dalam ruang lingkup publik ada perkara luar biasa, yakni ketidak berdayaan terhadap langkah-langkah politik para politikus dan partai, seolah-olah optimisme …
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Abdullah A Afifi
The decentralization of bureaucracy refers to the process of redistributing administrative, fiscal, and political authority from the central government to local or regional levels. In Indonesia, a country known for its vast geographical spread and diverse population, this approach could address several longstanding issues. But this step must be taken, and the new government must …
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Abdullah A Afifi
Value creation is the main concept of business activities. Creating values is involving stage by stage process from exploration, communication, and delivery of the values to the customer. Values in the marketing point of view are identified from customer perception based on their needs and wants. This is inline as the main object is people, …
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Abdullah A Afifi