Revamping Indonesia’s education infrastructure is critical to boosting the nation’s development and enhancing literacy rates. The core of this revamping process involves substantial improvements in physical infrastructure, curriculum modernization, technology integration, and teacher training. Upgrading school facilities across Indonesia, especially in remote and rural areas, is pivotal. Many schools lack basic amenities such as proper …
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Abdullah A Afifi
The decentralization of bureaucracy refers to the process of redistributing administrative, fiscal, and political authority from the central government to local or regional levels. In Indonesia, a country known for its vast geographical spread and diverse population, this approach could address several longstanding issues. But this step must be taken, and the new government must …
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Abdullah A Afifi
Mungkin kekuatan hati ini tidak dicamkan oleh konglomerat dan taipan belum lama ini saya baca di media, mengancam akan menarik investasinya di Indonesia. Entah ancamannya serius atau tidak, karena belum tentu juga akurat – – lagi-lagi harus saya tulis begini demi UU ITE yang baru, karena saya belum konfirmasi ke sang taipan. Jika saja kalimat …
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Iwan Piliang