As a vibrant archipelago nation, Indonesia stands at a critical juncture following its 2024 elections. These elections have redefined the political landscape and highlighted the urgent need for systemic reform. The central issues to this transformation agenda are three pivotal areas: decentralization of power, revamping education infrastructure, and overhauling bureaucracy services. This article aims to …
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Abdullah A Afifi
Mungkin kekuatan hati ini tidak dicamkan oleh konglomerat dan taipan belum lama ini saya baca di media, mengancam akan menarik investasinya di Indonesia. Entah ancamannya serius atau tidak, karena belum tentu juga akurat – – lagi-lagi harus saya tulis begini demi UU ITE yang baru, karena saya belum konfirmasi ke sang taipan. Jika saja kalimat …
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Iwan Piliang
After success with ASIAN Games, Rupiah crash to 15,000 per US dollar, the lowest point in Jokowi cabinet. In 2012 rupiah start with optimistic value 12,000 per US dollar, some analyst said that was an effect of optimistic market with Jokowi 2012 cabinet, and then what happen now? With current low value of rupiah most …
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Abdullah A Afifi