Saya menyalahkan elit-elit politik dalam ketidaktenangan yang terjadi sekarang, langkah-langkah pragmatis mereka yang saat ini menghasilkan perkara yang sangat sensitif. Ketika menjelang pengukuhan calon untuk Pilkada sebetulnya saya sudah memprediksi akan adanya blunder. Walaupun dalam kacamata politik hal ini biasa, dalam ruang lingkup publik ada perkara luar biasa, yakni ketidak berdayaan terhadap langkah-langkah politik para politikus dan partai, seolah-olah optimisme …
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Abdullah A Afifi
In the foreign aid seminar at the International Development Department this week, Professor Amis talked about emerging donors in international development assistance. The emergence of new donors including China, the Arab’s countries and the BRICS bloc (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) among others in recent years has changed in what I defined as ‘development’s …
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Urwah Saari
The South China Morning Post, a respected daily from Hong Kong, on the 17 of May, has picked up the stance of Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia in rallying the Muslims against the latest Israel atrocities. In its comments, the Hong Kong SCMP said that the three countries have taken up the strong sentiments of its …
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Arifin Hassan