Ini menarik, di negara mayoritas, ternyata solusi tidak berjalan dengan baik, entah kalangan yang bernegara tidak paham beragama atau sebaliknya. Mamak saya Prof Bustanul Arifin SH dalam bukunya berjudul “Masa Lampau Yang Belum Selesai” menyampaikan adanya kemandekan evolusi dalam menyesuaikan hukum Pidana dan Perdata dengan keadaan Indonesia yang riil, yang berdasar Pancasila, Berbhinneka dan mayoritas beragama Islam. Hal ini …
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Abdullah A Afifi
Value creation is the main concept of business activities. Creating values is involving stage by stage process from exploration, communication, and delivery of the values to the customer. Values in the marketing point of view are identified from customer perception based on their needs and wants. This is inline as the main object is people, …
by @
Abdullah A Afifi
Payakumbuh City, located in the Limapuluh Kota Regency of West Sumatra, has significant geographical and historical potential for developing air transport infrastructure. In the past, Payakumbuh had a small airstrip primarily used for light aviation activities. However, over time, this facility was not developed into a commercial airport. As modern transportation demands grow in the …
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Abdullah A Afifi